Dürer's Journeys: Travels of a Renaissance Artist

The second leg of the exhibition in Aachen last Spring, Dürer’s Journeys: Travels of a Renaissance Artist is the first major UK exhibition of German Renaissance artist Albrecht Dürer in nearly 20 years. Through paintings, drawings, prints, and letters, it follows Dürer’s travels across Europe, bringing to life the artist himself, and the people and places he visited.

Charting his journeys to the Alps, Italy, Venice and the Netherlands, the exhibition explores how Dürer’s travels sparked an exchange of ideas with Netherlandish and Italian Renaissance artists, fuelled his curiosity and creativity, and increased his fame and influence across Europe.  Bringinh together loans from museums and private collections across the world, it includes the artist's striking ‘Madonna and Child’ (c. 1496/1499) from the National Gallery of Art, Washington, never before seen in the UK. 

For more about Dürer see our July Pick of the Month and watch the film below which records a conversation between Dr. Imogen Tedbury, Simon Sainsbury Curatorial Fellow for Paintings before 1500 at The National Gallery, Katrin Bellinger, Collector and Founder, The Tavolozza Foundation and Jeremy Howard, Senior Lecturer in History of Art at the University of Buckingham and Old Master Paintings specialist at Colnaghi.

Nicola Jennings