Flesh and Bones: The Art of Anatomy
Muscles of the neck (detail), 1811. Etching and engraving inked à la poupée in red and black ink. From Giuseppe Del Medico, Anatomia per uso dei pittori e scultori (Rome, 1811), pl. 16. Getty Research Institute, 84-B28069,
For centuries, the structure of the human body was a fundamental concern for both medicine and art. Anatomy was a basic component of artistic education, and artists were a recognized part of the market for anatomical illustration. At the intersection of art and science, Flesh and Bones: The Art of Anatomy looks at the shared vocabulary of anatomical images and at the different methods used to reveal the body through a wide range of media, from woodcut to neon.
This exhibition is presented in English and Spanish. Visit the web page for a range of online resources.