
Francisco de Goya y Lucientes, La maja vestida, 1800-1807, Museo del Prado, Madrid.

The new Goya exhibition at the Fondation Beyeler brings together around 70 paintings and more than 100 masterful drawings and prints by the Spanish artist. In collaboration with the Museo Nacional del Prado in Madrid, the organisers have secured loans of seldom seen paintings from Spanish private collections which are shown alongside key works from the most prestigious European and American museums and private collections.

The exhibition is accompanied by a new film by Philippe Parreno. The renowned contemporary artist devotes a new work to Goya’s long-destroyed country house, the Quinta del Sordo, and its legendary murals, the Pinturas negras (Black paintings). In Parreno’s artistic exploration, these visionary masterpieces are filmed up-close and set to imaginary sounds.

The website includes a downloadable room guide.

Nicola Jennings