La Quinta del Sordo. Philippe Parreno

Philippe Parreno. La Quinta del Sordo, 2021. 4k film, binaural sound, color. Running time: 40 min. Museo Nacional del Prado. Courtesy Barbara Gladstone and Esther Schipper

Philippe Parreno’s La Quinta del Sordo, a 40-minute audiovisual work made in collaboration with the Beyeler Foundation, aims to enrich visitors’ experience of Francisco de Goya’s original “Black Paintings” (on display at the Prado Museum in Room 67) in a new and previously unexplored way. The film will be shown until 4 September in an installation produced by Acciona Cultura in Room 64-65 of the Museo Nacional del Prado.

Using cutting-edge image and sound technology, Parreno brings to life Goya’s now vanished home, the Quinta del Sordo, where he created his disturbing “Black Paintings”.

Nicola Jennings