The Art of Benin of Yesterday and Today: from Restitution to Revelation

Anthropo-zoomorphic statues depicting King Glele (L) and King Behanzin (R)

The Art of Benin of Yesterday and Today: from Restitution to Revelation displays 26 objects looted by French troops from palaces in Abomey in 1892 and returned to the country from the Quai Branly Museum in France last November. The works are housed in large space in the Presidential Palace which has been transformed into a museum of international standards, with tickets offered free to members of the public. The space includes displays of the ceremonial thrones of kings Ghézo, Glèlè and the Kataclè of Béhanzin; the statues of Dahomey; and more contemporary art created by 34 Beninese artists such as Dominique Zinkpè, Julien Sinzogan, Yves Apollinaire Pédè, and Ponce Zannou. An article in Artnet News provides more information about the exhibition.

Nicola Jennings