The Morozov Collection. Icons of Modern Art
Mikhaïl Abramovitch Morozov (1870-1903) and Ivan Abramovitch Morozov (1871-1921) were two Muscovite brothers who put together one of the most exceptional collections of French art (including Matisse, Bonnard, Picasso, Gauguin, Van Gogh, Degas, Monet, Renoir, Denis, and Cézanne) and Russian art (including Vrubel, Malevich, Repin, Larionov, and Serov). This exhibition, which has been hailed as once in a lifetime, is the production of collaboration betweeen three major Russian museums - The State Hermitage Museum (Saint Petersburg), the Pushkin State Museum of Fine Arts (Moscow) and the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) - which today house the Morosov collection .
Valentin Serov, Portrait of the Collector van Abramovitch Morozov, Moscou ,1910, Coll. Ivan Morozov, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow.
Henri Matisse,Fruits and Bronze, 1910, oil on canvas, Pushkin Museum, Moscow.