Titian's Visions of Women

Shortly after 1500, Titian and his Venetian contemporaries – including Palma Vecchio, Lorenzo Lotto, Paris Bordone, Jacopo Tintoretto and Paolo Veronese – began to create new kinds of poetic, sensual, and idealizing depictions of women that have continued to shape European painting for centuries. Inspired by contemporary love poetry and literature, Titian’s Visions of Women looks at the influence of explores how he and contemporaries such as Tintoretto created a new vision of womanhood, combining realistic portraiture with historical,
mythological, and allegorical depictions. Some 60 international loans from institutions including the Met, the Prado and the Uffizi are included, alongside works from the strong collection of Venetian paintings in Vienna. Click here for a well-produced digital presentation of the exhibition.

Nicola Jennings