National Gallery Courses: Image of the Black
Historian Michael Ohajuru leads this course exploring the Black presence in paintings at the National Gallery
Monday, 14 June 2021
Monday, 21 June 2021
Monday, 28 June 2021
3.30 - 5.30 pm BST
Available online only
Tickets: Standard £39, Concessions £36
Anonymous, A Black Woman, 19th century, oil on canvas, The National Gallery, London.
In this course across three sessions, Michael Ohajuru discusses the Black presence in the Gallery‘s collection of paintings in the Western European tradition.
Find out how the Black presence moves from objects of economic capital to creators of cultural capital – with Black people depicted in many forms, from kings and queens, to warriors and servants to performers, musicians and even as an artist.
Often the Black presence is explicit; sometimes it is less obvious and needs teasing out. This online course seeks to make the Black presence in art better known.