Versailles & the World

Attributed to Étienne Allegrain , Vue de l’Orangerie, des escaliers des Cent-Marches et du château de Versailles, ca. 1695, © Château de Versailles, Dist. RMN © JM Manaï

With over 100 paintings, furniture, art objects and sculptures from Versailles and other French or international collections, Versailles & the World presents the palace built by Louis the XIV ( 1643-1715) - aka the Sun King - played a key role in French diplomacy and commercial exchange. .As the seat of royal power, the palace received visitors from all over the world, who fuelled the Court’s fascination with the other civilizations France was beginning to discover. These encounters contributed to changing the tastes and the development of new styles of furniture, lacquerware, porcelain, and other objects.

Nicola Jennings