What's that smell?

Smell the Art: Fleeting – Scents in Colour

Mauritshuis, Den Haag and Online until 29 August 2021

Willem van Mieris, A Grocer's Shop, 1717, Mauritshaus, Den Haag.

Willem van Mieris, A Grocer's Shop, 1717, Mauritshaus, Den Haag.

If you been craving that live museum experience, here’s one to throw you back in at the deep end. The Mauritshuis - best known for 17th century Dutch masterpieces such as Vermeer's Girl with a Pearl Earring and Rembrandt’s Anatomy Lesson of Dr. Nicolaes Tulp - has created the world’s first virtual ‘scent-surround’ exhibition. For € 20 you can order a box of scents pumps and link to a film taking you on an olfactory tour of Amsterdam canals, a rich woman’s boudoir, a bleaching field and a grocer’s shop, guided by culinary journalist and theatre designer Joël Broekaert and Mauritshuis curator Ariane van Suchtelen.

Nicola Jennings